Theresa Todd

I was introduced to Young Living Essential Oils with a bottle of peppermint, and I was amazed by the effects of that little bottle for my headaches. After that I couldn’t wait to try more and purchased the Starter Kit. This is where my journey began and since that time my family has been using YLEO for everything from upset stomachs and muscle aches to cleaning our home. These products have changed our lives!

At work my favorite mid-afternoon pick-me-up is a glass of ice water with lemon essential oil and a few drops of peppermint and lemon in the diffuser. This is what gets me through the rest of the day!

My Favourite Products: Lavender, Peppermint, PanAway, Peace & Calming

Member ID: 3125263
Phone: 705-794-1505


Taylor Vigar


Tina Latta