Tammy Dusome, Silver, Si6

Tammy is a happily married mother of four wonderful children. She lives in Ottawa but spends as much time as she can on beautiful Georgian Bay, where she was born. With a BA in Sociology, Tammy had a career in banking before deciding to stay home and raise her children.

When Tammy first learned about Young Living Essential Oils™ from her niece she was skeptical, but, trusting in her niece’s judgment and knowledge, she decided to give them a try and hope for the best. Very quickly she learned that these natural remedies were amazing.

Tammy has always been interested in helping others, especially by using natural, environmentally methods and products—that’s why Young Living is the perfect opportunity for her to learn, share, and help others. Tammy is delighted to be part of the Blue Spruce Club and its amazing mission!

Member ID: 1563004
Email: tammy@bluespruce.club
Phone: 613-854-8903


Tami Spencer


Tanya Malkoske