Nancy Dawdy – Silver, Si6

Nancy has spent over 40 years in a corporate environment with 12+ of those being in warehouse & inventory management. Five years as a Star Unit Leader in direct sales managing a team of 50+ ladies.

“Essential oils are new to me but as I am recognizing the benefits that they have to offer and the impact that they can have on my family & friends, my passion has been ignited. I’m very thankful for the business & health benefits that Young Living Essential Oils has opened up for me and I’m extremely grateful to be part of the Blue Spruce Club.” #IAMaSPRUCER

Nancy is also a Silver in Six recipient and has won trips to our Hawaiian Farms.

Favourite YL Products: Frankincense, Believe, NingXia Red, Zyng

Member ID: 3097307
Phone: 519-717-1765


Miroslav Ubovic


Natalie Kulmatycky