Meg and Dan Lee

“MADCANOIL”? How about Meg and Dan can Oil?

A committed couple in our eleventh year of marriage, both in our second careers in the service industries in management roles leading our respective organizations. We’re now in a place where we want to share some of the wonders of we’ve experienced in the world of essential oils.

Four or five years ago we started a journey into the exotic and at the time mysterious world of essential oils and quickly learned how easy it was to get started. Originally it was just to help treat Dan’s running injuries such as Plantar Fasciitis and Iliotibial (IT) Band Syndrome and helping Meg to deal with Insomnia and later with digestive issues.

Over the years we’ve found so many benefits from our oil uses. And have come to the philosophy that we are not hippy-dippy gurus, witch doctors or even naturalists, we only look for ways to reduce or eliminate some of the chemicals and synthetics in our daily lives. There’s nothing wrong or strange with that right?

Please understand we are not medical practitioners in any sense of the word and we strongly encourage you to seek professional advice, we only provide information on what has worked for us and what we’ve learned along our journey so far.

Some of our favourite oils today are:
Lavender for promoting healing and relaxation
Thieves to disinfect or clean with
Peppermint for our two beautiful dogs (Peanut & Buttercup)

Today we use oils in our daily lives such as Shutran Beard Oil, Lavender at night to help us sleep or Thieves Cleaner to wipe away the germs and so much more. We’ve created sugar and salt scrubs to keep our skin soft and supple during the cold Canadian winters and after bite treatments for the hot summers bugs. There is nothing like a bit of Christmas Spirit in the diffuser at that special time of the year.

Member ID: 11755493
Phone: 416-557-4981


Mary Janzen


Megan Belcourt