Marilyn Cicuttini - Silver, Si6


Marilyn helps change toxic homes into safe, healthy havens. After realizing her corporate career and typical North American lifestyle was making her sick, she began incorporating Young Living oils to eliminate toxins and return to wellness. Her Holistic Healing approach to health is simple, natural and benefits the whole family. She incorporates Young Living products to promote a lifestyle of no chemicals and no toxins; just a breath of fresh air.

Marilyn understands the pressures of a busy life – battling the stress of multiple work priorities, taking care of family and continually powering through the constant exhaustion. We want to make changes to take better care of our family, but have no time to research and implement these changes. Marilyn has the answer to transitioning your family to a toxin-free lifestyle that is not only environmentally responsible, but can also improve the quality of life for your whole family. She is driven to educate and equip you with simple changes that add huge savings time, money and health.

Young Living’s product line is a one-stop-shop for all your cleaning products, supplements, nutrition and natural wellness.

Marilyn also provides support to those wanting to explore their own business opportunity with Young Living.  Marilyn, as part of the Blue Spruce Club, helps provides a community for those interested in healthy, natural living to share their knowledge and experience.

Member ID: 10350221
Phone: 416-522-8410


Dawn Jorgensen – Silver, Si6


Corrin Bolle