Leah Jackson


My journey with Young Living essential oils stems from my interest in and dedication to family health and wellness. As a professional birth and postpartum doula, I see the positive impact essential oils can have on the whole family, adults and children alike. There is nothing quite like the sweet smile of a newborn baby when I apply essential oils during infant massage and incorporate them into bath time. It is my mission to bring more smiles, peace, and calm to families and I am confident in the ability of Young Living essential oils to assist with that. Not to mention the benefits of using essential oils during yoga, another strand of my doula business. I have great confidence sharing these oils with my clients because of the Seed to Seal promise and overall dedication of Young Living to creating top notch quality products that are free of chemicals.

Member ID: 12389239
Email: bumpbirthandbabybliss@gmail.com
Phone: 647-936-8521


Layah Davis


Lisa Hasted