Dr. Ron Fuller

Veteran Doctor of Chiropractic Natural Health Services

Dr. Ron Fuller, a popular chiropractor for 44 years believes that the Lord would not allow him to retire from helping people so he turned to become a consultant to help people through the Young Living company of nontoxic health products. This opportunity was a perfect fit as it provided solutions to his lifelong search for tools to cope with the increasing damages of toxins and their cumulative negative impact on health which often leads to health conditions and diseases.

After resolving several of his own chronic health issues with Young Living products, he became a passionate advocate of products including:

a)   Hundreds of 100% PURE ESSENTIAL OILS which improve physical, mental and spiritual health

b)   A wide range of Personal Care products

c)    A wide range of Home and Vehicle Care products

d)   Nutritional supplements that incorporate Essential Oils

Dr. Ron has researched and composed informative articles on many products that are available on request. These articles detail the origin, ingredients, health benefits, research references and pricing of products.

A synergistic balance of nutrients found in whole foods (Mother Nature’s fruits, vegetables, herbs, essential oils) as formulated by Young Living is far superior to isolated, synthetic nutritional supplements produced in a lab.

A healthy gastrointestinal system is essential to absorbing and utilizing nutrients as well as eliminating waste products from digestion and this requires adequate enzymes and probiotics as are available in Young Living’s products.

Also available are products that relieves headache, joint and muscle pain, calm nerves and reduces stress, as well as for skin, digestion, hormonal and sleep issues.

Hormonal balance requires nutritional approaches throughout life as Young Living has products for both genders.

Other products nurture the brain, provide amino acids and antioxidants.

Perhaps the most popular product is the Ningxia juice drinks line providing far more antioxidants than any other food, drink or other product.

Young Living products provide physical and mental energy, supports everyday wellness and the immune system among other health benefits. Young Living’s guarantee is “From Seed To Seal”.

Call Dr. Ron 647-643-1080 for Wholesale Orders                         

Member ID: 4393830
Email: info@drfullerclinic.com
Phone: 647-643-1080

Website: www.drfullerhealthservice.com

My Favourite Young Living Products: Frankincense, Abundance™, Joy™, Purification™, and NingXia Red™


Kelli-Lynn Ives