The Essential Man :: Why Men Need Oils

A whole man is one who takes care of their mind, body, and soul. Essential oils and essential oil infused products can help support overall health and wellness in every area, including areas that men find important.

Muscle and Joint Discomfort

  • No matter what profession you are in, muscle and joint discomfort is a part of everyday life. Pain and discomfort can put you in a place where you might be open to different solutions.

  • An amazing product like AgilEase to help reduce muscle and joint discomfort. Especially beneficial for athletes, as well as middle-aged and elderly people who may experience a natural, acute inflammation response in their joints after exercise, AgilEase is a joint health supplement that’s perfect for healthy individuals who are looking to gain greater mobility and flexibility through the reduction of inflammation.

  • PanAway, Deep Relief, Copaiba and Cool Azul essential oils are amazing options to apply to muscles and joints. And our Cool Azul Pain Cream is truly one of the best products to use for pain managment.

Prostate Health and Hormone Balance

  • Young Living makes products and oils to benefit Prostate health and libido.

  • Our Prostate Health supplement does exactly what the name implies. It supports the prostate. It’s so important for men to work with their doctors to properly treat any issues, but that this supplement can help support healthy prostate function.

  • Shutran and Mister - both have benefits for men specifically. Many find a huge boost in confidence as well, their aromas, most people find very pleasing without being overbearing.

Staying Healthy - General Immune Support

  • Getting sick throws a wrench into everyday life - it’s a nuisance - it’s so important to support the immune system with essential oils and essential oil infused products.

  • Thieves Vitality is easily incorporated in a daily health regimen. Most men in our lives take it in a Vegetable capsule or with their daily shot of NingXia Red. Some also drink it as a tea by itself and or with honey.

  • Inner Defense is another option for immune support when you are feeling under the weather. This is not a daily supplement but can be used daily when feeling unwell. This is a super powerful immune support supplement that has oils like Thieves, Thyme, Lemongrass and Oregano.

Energy and Stamina

  • It’s so important to keep up healthy energy levels and increasing stamina for everyday life.

  • PowerGize has specific benefits for increasing both energy and stamina, but it also has other benefits for men.

  • Super B is a supplement that doesn’t always get a lot of shine, but one that they can probably relate to fairly easily as they’ve likely heard of the good things Vitamin B supplements can do for them. Super B is the Top product people buy in our Sprucer Tribe because you see the benefits within days, specifically for energy and stamina.

  • Peppermint can help invigorate and give them the energy to get through situations that arise during the day. You can use it on muscles, the back of the neck to cool your body down and also Peppermint+/ Vitality as something that can help with fresh breath and healthy digestion.

Staying Sharp - Mental Clarity

  • Staying mentally sharp and having clarity in thinking is important in every profession and walk of life. There are so many benefits of alleviating brain fog and staying sharp.

  • Our amazing products that help mental clarity and cognitive fitness are MindWise, Ningxia Nitro and NingXia Red juice would be in the top! As well and taking Plus Line /Vitality oils with either, specifically Lemon+/ Vitality and reiterating Thieves Vitality and Peppermint+/ Vitality and the benefits they can get from ingesting oils.

  • Clarity is a great oil that men don’t flinch about the aroma - talk to them about diffusing it or using it topically. What oils pair well with it? Give them some practical knowledge of what Clarity can do for them.

Stress Relief and Staying Calm

  • Men face and deal with stress in different ways, but it’s still a part of their everyday lives. It’s so important to understand the medical benefits of reducing stress in your lives.

  • Finding balance and relief from feelings of stress with Valor, Peace & Calming, Black Spruce or Stress Away - are all great options to diffuse or wear topically.

  • Northern Lights Black Spruce is an oil that can help men calm down and keep moods even. You might find it interesting that Young Living uses every part of the Black Spruce tree to distill this oil and that wood oils can help instill feelings of confidence (it’s why Black Spruce is used in so many of the emotional blends).

  • Another great product to help men relax are our new Shower Steamers. They can be a nice part of a relaxing, yet invigorating, shower at the end of a long day.


  • Confidence issues come in all shapes and sizes for men, and it can affect their work, family life, and how they view themselves overall. Talk about how essential oils can positively affect confidence and uplift.

  • Valor, Sacred Mountain, and Frankincense all help promote feelings of confidence - you can use these oils topically like a cologne or in the diffuser. You can also combine Frankincense with either of them to enhance their properties and calm the mind.

  • What other oils or supplements could they use for confidence?

    • You can use products like PowerGize or AgilEase, as well we know that you can get confidence from being stress or pain free from products like Stress Away or Cool Azul Pain Cream.

Looking Good - Grooming and Body Care

  • Whether a man is clean shaven, have a burly beard, or anything in between, they can all find ways to look and feel good.

  • Shutran has an entire line just for men’s personal care needs. The Shutran 3-in-1 that can be used by any man.

  • Shutran Beard Oil, Aftershave, Deodorant and Bar Soap are all other really popular Shutran products.

  • Whether you are taking care of a beard or a clean shaven face, what other oils pair well with these Shutran products? Mister, Blue Spruce, Goldenrod?!!

Deep Slumber

  • Getting a good night’s sleep affects moods and overall health in a positive way. Highlight some of the ways that a lack of sleep or full on sleep deprivation can negatively impact our overall physical and mental health.

  • There are so many benefits of using ImmuPro for a little extra immune support and getting a good night’s sleep. What’s in it? (Hint: it’s the melatonin)

  • You can also use Cedarwood for a good night’s sleep. Tranquil Roll-On is also good, so talk about how they’d use that. Anything else you can think of? Valerian? Peace & Calming, Seedlings Calm, Copiaba, Northern Lights Black Spruce? Valor?

There are so many different ways that a man can benefit from incorporating essential oils into their daily lives.

We hope you found this helpful!


Citrus Coconut Popsicles


No more counting sheep: 11 essential oils for when you’re going to sleep